Alejandro Aguilar

Alejandro Aguilar [Live Link]

Published on 08, Sep 2023

Alejandro Aguilar Releases Strategic Guidebook for Restaurateurs

Digital marketing has evolved into an elaborate art. There’s a technique and a methodology for every niche, and “best practices” has become a need to know buzzword to group the few evergreen trends together. One of the downfalls of living in the Information Age is just how easy it is to get inundated by information. If you don’t know where to look, curious individuals will find it difficult to completely parse all of the information they’re likely to find. And this is, of course, if they can find any consistency for their target industry in the first place.

Alejandro Aguilar, founder of RestoStrategy, has noticed a gap of reliable information for restaurant owners. He addressed this concern with his new book titled Profitable Plates, which is dedicated to helping restaurateurs optimize their marketing strategies.

“I’ve been a hard worker all my life,” says Alejandro, “and I learned a lot of important lessons. One that I carry with me is to let people help you. After all, you don’t know what you don’t know, and I’ve seen that marketing is the common thing that fellow restaurant owners don’t know. Success is the ability to focus on goals long enough to beat the multiple masks worn by self-doubt. This book is meant to help build owners’ confidence so that they can knock out that doubt and get their work done.”

Outside of marketing, Profitable Plates breaks down a range of important need-to-know topics and techniques such as the crucial role of numbers before running promotions, how to master deliveries to maximize profits, building a richer community, how to boost employee morale, and more. Alejandro makes the fundamentals approachable and easy to understand. Not just so that restaurateurs who are less than tech savvy can understand, but so that they can take what resonates with them. Profitable Plates makes it so that owners don’t have to rework their entire business model; they can choose from and apply the lessons that have the most value to them.

Alejandro also discussed intentional and measurable marketing in a recent interview with Wantpreneur to Entrepreneur. In this interview, he goes into detail about his multifaceted background while also providing listeners and viewers with insight on how they can market themselves better. He speaks about the fast-moving, superinformation network of social media and reminds restaurant owners,

“You do not have a customer. You have many different types of customers. The person who comes at dinner does not have the same profile and characteristics and needs as the person that comes at lunch. There’s no way to create a message that will resonate with [everyone]. In the noise chamber that is social media, where you have thousands of people trying to capture your attention, there are only competitors, other ads, anyone doing marketing. There’s so much noise that you have to be really strategic in how you communicate with [your audience].”

To succeed, it’s not enough to be competitive. It’s about being adaptable, educated, and open-minded. Businesses are often trying so hard to stomp on each other’s shadow that they overlook their greatest assets and what sets them apart from everyone else. Alejandro offers restaurant owners a chance to present themselves as they would their menu: unbeatable, irresistible, and one-of-a-kind.

Profitable Plates released on Amazon on July 21st and is available to read on Kindle or as a paperback.
