The SONU Sleep System: For Athletes Who Prefer Side Sleeping

The SONU Sleep System: For Athletes Who Prefer Side Sleeping [Live Link]

Published on 13, Feb 2023

Sleeping on your side can be detrimental to your arms and shoulders due to the unnatural position it puts them in. When you are sleeping on your side, your arms and shoulders are in a twisted position that can cause pain and discomfort in the morning, as well as long-term damage. This position can put strain on the muscles and ligaments in your arms and shoulders and can even cause nerve damage if left unchecked. Additionally, the pressure of lying on your arms and shoulders can cause them to become numb and tingly, leading to an uncomfortable night's sleep.

This can be particularly detrimental to professional athletes, whose livelihood depends on how well they perform in their respective industries. For athletes who love to sleep on their side, this position could have a negative effect on their performance. Poor sleep posture can lead to muscle and joint discomfort, which can affect an athlete's ability to perform at their best. It can also reduce the amount of restful sleep the athlete gets, which can lead to fatigue and a lack of focus in their training and competitions.

Furthermore, sleeping on your side can cause breathing difficulties and reduce blood flow to the muscles and brain. All of these issues can lead to a decrease in an athlete's performance, so it is important to be aware of the potential consequences of sleeping on your side.

Never before have athletes considered that a change in mattress might solve all of these problems. The SONU Sleep System does just that, with tons of five-star reviews and endorsements from professional sports players and even olympic medalists, who all swear by its innovative technology.

“I don’t know a single surfer who doesn’t wake up sore from the day before,” says Rob Kelly, a professional surfer. “Any time you lay on a normal mattress, all that pressure goes right to your shoulders. They say you should lay on your back, but that just isn’t as comfortable for me. But with my SONU, the Comfort Channel lets me stick my arm inside the mattress, relieving that pressure completely.” 

Kelly in particular discusses the added benefits he gets from his SONU, by explaining his recent shoulder and clavicle injury, which required a surgery that still causes him pain. The use of the SONU Sleep System is beneficial for him, and anyone else with chronic pain due to injuries, who are looking to be more gentle with their muscles. 

The practice of taking care of our bodies must continue into our sleeping situation, as our body does the most healing and repair while we sleep. During sleep, our brain produces substances such as growth hormones and melatonin, both of which help to repair and rebuild our bodies. Our bodies also use this time to clean up damaged cells and restore our energy levels. Sleep helps to reduce inflammation, which can be beneficial for a variety of muscle conditions. For athletes who struggle with swelling and pain, The SONU can be the perfect solution to both comfort and healing. 

The SONU Sleep System has benefits for everyone, regardless of whether you are a professional athlete or not. People across the country are gushing about this ground-breaking mattress, thanking it for their relief from snoring, aching joints, and chronic muscular discomfort.

So many professional athletes agree: The SONU Sleep System is the newest, best innovation to come to the mattress market in decades. 

Bradley Hall