Dean Werner

Dean Werner [Live Link]

Published on 06, Apr 2023

Dean Werner II and Saori Werner of Activated Aesthetics on Differences Between Virtual & In-Person Fitness Training

Personal fitness coaches, long viewed as only for the most affluent of customers, are growing in demand. People of all income levels are turning to them for advice and motivation as they seek to improve their health and reach their fitness goals. Now, in the aftermath of the pandemic, a new service has emerged that is bringing expert coaches into homes across the United States: virtual training. What are some of the differences between meeting up with a trainer at a gym and signing into a Zoom session? Dean Werner II and Saori Werner, the husband-wife veteran team who owns Activated Aesthetics, offered to give their insights into how to know which option is right for you.

Both options involve a high level of personalization - if you get the right trainer

Dean believes that in-person training and virtual training may - or may not - involve the same level of personalization. He explains that what it really comes down to is how diligent and dedicated your fitness trainer is to helping you achieve your goals.

“First, no trainer should ever use ‘virtual’ as an excuse to not provide personal service for you,” he says. “Yes, when you train in person, they can assess your individual needs and goals and create a workout plan that is tailored specifically for you. Being right there next to you makes it undeniably easier to observe your form, make adjustments as necessary, and provide immediate feedback on your performance.”

However, a trainer should have a plan for providing that same level of personalization during virtual sessions. “At Activated Aesthetics, Zoom is just one of our tools. We don’t let our standards slip just because the virtual world is different from the gym. Instead, we have adapted our customized approach. We know how to direct our clients so we can track their progress and provide guidance. It is obviously different from being with us in the fitness center, but we have made the experience just as beneficial. That should be the goal of any trainer.”

Accountability can be an issue, but a personal fitness trainer can help you get around this

Saori agrees that one difference between training virtually and in person can be accountability. Those who train in person with a fitness coach may find it easier to show up for their sessions. It is also true that at a fitness center, it can be easier for a trainer to motivate you, push you harder, and hold you more accountable for your progress. 

“That’s something to keep in mind if you struggle with self-motivation or if you have a hard time sticking with a workout routine,” she says. “People who meet virtually with a trainer sometimes find it easier to skip sessions or to make excuses for why they can’t work out.”

Interestingly, the opposite can be true: while it’s easy to not turn on the computer and log in for a virtual session when you are tired, it is just as easy to not get into a car and drive to the gym.

“Really, what it boils down to is keeping yourself motivated to work out, no matter if it’s in a gym or virtually,” Saori believes. “With either option, that accountability factor will always be there, and a good fitness trainer will help you with this.”

Virtual training is undeniably more flexible and convenient than in-person sessions

Working out with a trainer via the Internet has its advantages, but it is a bit of a double-edged sword: people often like being able to work out at any time at home, but that can be distracting.

“With virtual sessions, there are fewer scheduling conflicts, and no one can deny how nice it is to not sit in traffic to go to the gym,” says Dean. “It’s also a great alternative for people who live where there are few fitness facilities or who have mobility issues that make it hard for them to get to a gym.”

However, separating your workout time from other aspects of your life, such as work or family responsibilities, can be a challenge. If you have a family, he recommends sitting down with everyone and explaining how important it is for you to work out at a specific time. “Sometimes it’s just a matter of everyone getting used to a new routine, which can take a few weeks.”

Ultimately, deciding between training with a fitness coach at a gym or online comes down to a careful consideration of your lifestyle, schedule, and goals.

“Whichever choice that you make, we suggest that you see it as a long-term commitment,” says Saori. “At Activated Aesthetics, our clients who achieve their health goals see fitness as a true personal journey, one that lasts a lifetime and takes them further than they ever thought possible.”

Activated Aesthetics was founded by Dean Werner II and Saori Werner, an interracial couple who are brand ambassadors for 1st Phorm as well as veterans of the United States Army Active Service. After earning their BS degrees in Health Science, they opened their fitness center and began guiding active service people, veterans, law enforcement officials, seniors, youth, and the local community to succeed on their fitness journeys. Their programs include weight loss, strength training, fitness motivation, yoga, boot camps, boxing, nutrition, meal plans, and online coaching for couples and individuals.

For more information about Activated Aesthetics, please see its website or follow it on Instagram.

Dean Werner