Dean Werner

Dean Werner [Live Link]

Published on 06, Apr 2023

Activated Aesthetics Reveals the Latest Trend in Fitness: Online Coaching for Couples

For many years, working out was a solitary sport. It’s not hard to see why - lifting progressively heavier weights or running just a little further was all about mental stamina and inner conviction. Simply put, it was on the individual to get tough with themselves and be their own cheerleader so they wouldn’t just phone it in and watch some TV. Now, however, because of the shutdown and emergence of online coaching, the whole concept of working out is changing. Veterans Dean Patrick Werner II and his wife Saori Werner, who own Activated Aesthetics in Killeen, Texas, say that while individuals still make up a large part of people who are into fitness, online couples coaching is becoming increasingly popular. We reached out to Dean and Saori to get their thoughts on this trend, including where it may lead the fitness industry.

“This has been one of the most interesting results of the pandemic: couples, married or not, who are working out together and encouraging each other to get healthier,” says Dean. “This is definitely different from the past, as so often it was just one person or the other who was into lifting weights and exercising. Or, if both people prioritized their health, they were into different activities and still worked out alone.”

Then two things happened: COVID-19 and society’s deeper understanding of health, nutrition, and exercise. Gyms across the United States temporarily closed due to restrictions during the pandemic, and owners like Dean and Saori got creative by expanding their online coaching programs. At the same time, more people of all ages began committing themselves to improving their health, including couples.

“I think they understand what we emphasize at Activated Aesthetics: that while improving your fitness is by nature a personal journey, no one can do it alone,” says Saori. “Community is vitally important. At the very least, there is someone to push you out of bed when your alarm goes off, and at best, you have someone who genuinely celebrates with you when you achieve one of your fitness goals.”

Dean and Saori, who regularly work out together at Activated Aesthetics, reveal that they both enjoy watching the transformation that couples undergo as they lift weights alongside each other.

“Let’s face it - when we’re sweating and struggling to push ourselves more, none of us look like fashion models,” Dean laughs. “I’ve seen couples who were barely talking to each other start to loosen up as they joked with each other about working out. Improving their fitness together has an unexpected effect on couples: it can actually deepen their relationship even as their bodies slowly become more toned and fit.”

What might this new trend mean for an industry that has largely focused on the individual? While online couples fitness coaching is just getting started, Saori believes it will continue to gain momentum in fitness centers across America.

“At Activated Aesthetics, we are seeing that couples who exercise side by side become more vulnerable and authentic with each other,” she says. “They are having fun together as they shed pounds. That leads to better relationships and healthier bodies, and what could be more important than that?”

Activated Aesthetics was founded by Dean Werner II and Saori Werner, an interracial couple who are veterans of the United States Army Active Service. After earning their BS degrees in Health Science, they opened their fitness center and began guiding active service people, veterans, law enforcement officials, seniors, youth, and the local community to succeed on their fitness journeys. Their programs include weight loss, strength training, fitness motivation, yoga, boot camps, boxing, nutrition, meal plans, and online coaching for couples and individuals.

For more information about Activated Aesthetics, please see its website or follow it on Instagram.

Dean Werner