Devin Davis

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Published on 16, Aug 2022

Devin M. Davis: What Will You Discover On the Other Side of Fear?



There’s a key scene in Rudy, the true story about the 5’6” walk-on who against all odds played football for Notre Dame, that epitomizes one of Devin M. Davis’ deepest beliefs. The Retired Marine Corps Veteran, Author, Business Coach, and Senior Credit Specialist says that if you want to succeed in life, you have to play to win, not to lose.


“Rudy Ruettiger had wanted to play for the Fighting Irish, one of the greatest football teams at the time, for all of his life. There was just one problem: he was at least six inches shorter than the other players and weighed practically nothing in comparison,” Devin recounts. “Yet, he was determined to prove he could keep up with a national champion football team.”


Devin says that when Rudy went up against a player during practice, he stared the other guy right in the eye. “It was the classic ‘I’m going to destroy you’ expression. The coach blew the whistle, Rudy surged forward - and was knocked flat on his back. Again, and again, and again.”


Anyone familiar with the story will know that despite this less than promising beginning, Rudy prevailed and got to suit up to play against Georgia Tech in the film’s finale. Devin thinks this perfectly illustrates the reality that whatever your goal might be, you won’t reach it if you play to lose.


“Have you ever thought about whether you are playing to win or to lose?” Devin asks. “Over the years, I’ve talked to a lot of people about their lives, including whether or not they are really happy with what they’re doing and achieving. Almost immediately, I can sense if the person is playing to win or if they are playing to lose.”


People who are playing to lose, he explains, are playing it safe. They are coloring within the lines and staying within their comfort zones. They have set rules for themselves: they won’t get on that dance floor and risk making a fool of themselves even though their feet are secretly tapping to the music. 


“It could be the individual who makes it to age fifty without ever having been challenged or fulfilled by their career,” says Devin. “They have chosen a job that pays the bills, which is a blessing, but deep down, they know they would rather be doing something else. They worry, however, that they are too old, too established, too-something to take a chance and go after work that is more meaningful for them. They are playing defensively, not offensively, and seeing the results day in, day out.”


Those who are not afraid to take on gigantic football players and risk being snapped like a twig, however, approach each day differently. “The interesting thing about these people is that they are not, in fact, fearless,” says Devin. “They are not immune to anxiety about the future. Instead, they refuse to allow it to stop them. They keep their eyes on what they want to accomplish and focus on being a champion. They approach every moment of every day with the intention of winning - even if they don’t.”


Why is it that some people play to win and others don’t? Are some individuals just naturally wired or driven to succeed?


“Perhaps, but I think that’s a little too simplistic,” Devin answers. “Yes, some people are innately confident or assertive and so go after what they want without reservations. What is far more inspiring, in my opinion, is when a person struggles internally with their self-doubts vs. that college degree they want to earn or that new skill they would like to learn. When they choose to ignore their fear or perceived limitations and go after their dream, that is heroic.”


If you really want to succeed in life, you have to fight. You must take some risks even when you want to run the other way. “Taking risks is not the same thing as being unwise,” Devin allows. “Don’t jump out of an airplane without a parachute. It does mean, though, that if you want to see your life be transformed and live life on a higher level, you will have to step through the fear. When you do, what you discover about yourself and your true potential will convince you to say goodbye to self-doubt forever.”

Devin M. Davis is a retired U.S. Marine Corps Veteran and self-made entrepreneur who has built several successful businesses, including a business coaching company and a financial services business. As the author of Business Credit Secrets and the builder of Boost Score Now, he has taught and studied finance, credit, business, money, motivation and leadership for many years. Devin is using what he knows about attaining success to help more people understand that there really are no elevators to success - only the stairs that they choose to walk up, one step at a time. 

Devin Davis