Devin Davis

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Published on 16, Aug 2022

Veteran Devin M. Davis Talks About 10 Military Lessons That Can Lead to Your Success

Devin M. Davis, a Senior Credit Specialist and Business Coach, is also a retired U.S. Marine Corps Veteran who has seen his own life be transformed by the lessons he learned from his mentors during his twenty years of service. The military, he says, is an amazing place to learn hundreds of traits and skills that help men and women become successful in life. Now, Devin is using his experiences as an infantry leader to help those around him understand how to use ten military lessons to build the lives they have dreamed of having. 

Lesson 1: Manage chaos

Devin believes that while there are ways to manage your life and give it order so that you can be productive, chaos is always going to come. “We all know that life cannot be controlled 100%,” he says. “Therefore, it’s crucial that when chaos comes - an emergency, a layoff - you stay mentally on top of it. Instead of the chaos swamping you like a wave washing over a boat, you keep on top of it and stay calm so that you can make wise decisions and be just fine.”

Lesson 2: Be mission driven

Everyone needs a purpose, something that gives their life meaning and connects them to a greater cause. “Otherwise it’s too easy to drift and feel aimless,” Devin explains. “It’s very important that you have a goal that you want to accomplish, whatever it might be: to find a new job within three months, lower your golf score by five points, or go back to school to get your degree. Remember to stay focused on the mission so that you are more motivated to make the best use of every second of every day.”

Lesson 3: Make use of limited resources

Sometimes it’s not about having a mission but about understanding you already have the tools to accomplish it. 

“I hear this one a lot,” Devin reveals. “People want to lose weight but can’t afford a gym membership and use the fancy equipment. Well, if money is really tight, they can work out in their own homes and lift gallons of milk!”

Another limited resource is time. “We all struggle with that one, of course,” he says. “Usually, we have far more of it than we think. It’s often a case of turning off Netflix so that we can jot down our ideas for a book or learn a new skill. Time is precious, so make sure you are using it to its advantage.”

Lesson 4: Perform well under pressure

Too many people freeze or break down when placed in stressful situations. However, it’s in those moments that we most need to step up. Devin states that significant personal and professional growth comes when we are able to keep calm in crisis situations and deliver our best effort, which will carry us through to the calm waters waiting for us.

Lesson 5: Manage risks

“The military will teach you to assess risks ahead of time and prepare for them instead of going blindly into a situation, vulnerable to unexpected dangers,” explains Devin. “Before you do anything - move to a different city, invest in a company, try a new diet, whatever it may be - make sure that you evaluate any risks and have a plan for mitigating each one.”

Lesson 6: Have a thick skin

He says that being assertive and being defensive are completely different. “Yes, you should stand up for yourself in all situations as appropriate. However, it is inevitable that you will meet people of all different types, and you must learn to work with all of them. Sooner or later, you will also receive constructive criticism from them, and being able to receive it in a professional way will go a long way towards your success.”

Lesson 7: Be self-disciplined

This is one of the Marine Corps’ biggest tenets. “The ability to take personal responsibility for what you do is highly valued in the service,” says Devin. “Being able to set goals for yourself and take steps everyday to achieve them will be vital no matter what stage of life you may be in.”

Lesson 8: Exhibit excellent leadership

A successful life will include leading others to do the right thing and to achieve aims. Too many people, he thinks, are followers, not leaders.

“We see the result in our society in our headlines, at our jobs, and in our schools,” he believes. “We need more individuals who will step up and be examples for those around them.”

Lesson 9: Learn about other cultures

The world has never been bigger or smaller. With technology bringing people from around the globe closer together while divisions and misunderstandings continue to occur, any successful individual will educate themselves on different cultures.

“Embrace the global community,” Devin advises. “It is incredibly diverse, and choosing to seek out people from other cultures and countries will expose you to new ideas. You will definitely grow as a person because of it.”

Devin’s final lesson

“Be teachable,” he suggests. “It can go against the grain in a society where so many are searching for their share of the spotlight. However, by focusing on being coachable, dependable, and courageous like our military members, you can reach the next level in business and in life.”


Devin M. Davis is a retired U.S. Marine Corps Veteran and self-made entrepreneur who has built several successful businesses, including a business coaching company and a financial services business. As the author of Business Credit Secrets and the builder of Boost Score Now, he has taught and studied finance, credit, business, money, motivation and leadership for many years. Devin is using what he knows about attaining success to help more people understand that there really are no elevators to success - only the stairs that they choose to walk up, one step at a time. 

Devin Davis