Electrolyte Powder Plus is the Cleanest Electrolyte Mix on the Market

Electrolyte Powder Plus is the Cleanest Electrolyte Mix on the Market [Live Link]

Published on 14, Nov 2022

Diana Sua is a business owner and a mother with a busy schedule. After years of looking for an all-natural electrolyte mix that she could depend on, she ended up disappointed. Everywhere she looked, Sua was met with products that were marketed as “clean” but the labels still showed that they contain an overabundance of sodium, sugars, and other unnatural additives. 

After this journey and eventual disappointment, Sua took matters into her own hands. She started her own company, PowderVitamin, where they made it their main focus to develop a product that could genuinely be considered natural and clean. 

Sua, alongside her team at PowderVitamin, took ten years researching and developing this new electrolyte mix. After carefully testing and trying out hundreds of formulas across all markets, PowderVitamin formulated a product that is balanced and only uses clean ingredients.  Electrolytes Powder Plus has been formulated with zero added sugars and free of food additives including Maltodextrin, which is a highly processed plant powder that can cause a spike in blood sugar. Electrolytes Powder Plus promotes maximum balanced hydration, aids muscle recovery and stabilizes your daily energy levels for a healthier lifestyle.

The product is an all-natural alternative to the electrolyte mixes on the market. The all-natural product launched in September 2022, and is formulated to improve focus and boost energy without the junk that is typically found in formulas seen on shelves. Electrolytes Powder Plus is a delicious way to optimize hydration, with a flavor that tastes just like lemonade. The company announced that they will be launching four new flavors before the end of the year. 

Electrolytes Powder Plus contains zero sugars, zero carbs, and no additives. It also contains other important compounds, such as chloride, magnesium, calcium, zinc and organic vitamin C derived from organic acerola cherries.

After studying the role that electrolytes play in the human body and insists that this is something that not a lot of people seem to know about. To her, this is something that should be taken seriously. Studies have shown that the average American consumes too much sodium but not enough potassium. This is a product that can be useful to the everyday American, regardless of how much they work out at a gym, or whichever diet they may be utilizing. For example, whole food diets such as keto are often low in electrolytes like sodium, chloride, magnesium, calcium and potassium. In diets that restrict carbs, they lower insulin levels, which makes a person lose more electrolytes through urine. It’s a recipe for electrolyte deficiency, which is why many folks experience the range of symptoms known as “keto flu”. Sua’s research and development of Electrolytes Powder Plus aims to solve these problems. 

 Additionally, the company worked hard to bring an affordable product to the market, and with that in mind, took the time to test their product with several different focus groups.

“I wanted to offer something that people can’t get at a better deal from anywhere else.” Sua says. “I want to really make a difference. People should be able to care about their bodies without also worrying about breaking the bank or emptying their wallets to do so.” Electrolytes Powder Plus starts its cost at $0.30 per serving.

Diana curated the Electrolytes Powder Plus formula so that it has the right amount of every ingredient the body needs to function at maximum power. The formula that SAn important note, however, is that this formula does not replace necessary vitamins but rather, helps to supplement them every now and then. The products provided by PowderVitamin are made to fill the gaps and provide hydration to a body in need.
