Harivardan Jayaraman

Harivardan Jayaraman [Live Link]

Published on 05, Jun 2023

Harivarden Jayaraman, Now a Featured Public Speaker 

Having a knowledgeable public speaker at your events is essential to ensure that your message is effectively communicated and understood by audiences. A knowledgeable public speaker will be able to effectively craft their message to ensure it is engaging, informative, and captivating. They will also be able to identify the needs and interests of the audience and tailor the content to best suit their needs. Additionally, a knowledgeable public speaker will be able to use key strategies to ensure that their message is memorable, such as using visuals, stories, and humor. Finally, a knowledgeable public speaker will be able to address any questions or concerns that the audience may have in a concise and informative manner.

Harivardan Jayaraman is the Head of Product for Facebook Notifications, and has been featured as a notable speaker in several events and conferences . Prior to his time with facebook, he was the Director of Product at Zynga focusing on Growth and Acquisition. He has over a decade of experience building consumer and financial products.

With this skill set, Harivarden is a valuable asset to have when considering the right choice for someone to speak at any event. In the Tech and applications Landscape, those with his expertise and wide range of knowledge are hard to come by. He supports a team of product managers and leads Facebook Notifications, which gives him the leadership skills to showcase when it comes to public speaking and sharing his expertise.    

As an instructor and contributor at Product School, which is one of the largest Product Management organizations in the world, Harivardan has been invited to speak twice. He took some time to discuss setting and communicating a product strategy to an audience of like minded individuals and students, as well as experts in his field. He also spoke on a panel on Partnering with other teams, where he was able to talk about multiple different platforms and industries.

“I am always readily available to speak when asked to,” Harivardan expressed. “I support other PMs in the industry, including folks who have been laid off, as an Expert through Criya.” Additionally, he was just invited to speak at Enrich, which is a private network that facilitates structured conversations with people doing your job at similar companies. He will represent his industry and his expertise within it, as a mentor and leader.

With so much talent in so many aspects, Harivardan Jayaramanhas been integral to the exponential growth of several companies, making him an excellent public speaker across multiple industries. One of the biggest accomplishments he achieved while working with Deutsche bank was the development of an internal product that accurately predicted borrowers who were at risk of foreclosure and needed temporary monetary support so that the bank would not have to take over their houses. 

Through all of his accomplishments, Harivardan Jayaraman always finds opportunities to provide a public speaking service as an expert in his chosen field. For more information about him and his many achievements, find Harivardan on LinkedIn
