James Low

James Low [Live Link]

Published on 10, May 2023

Sustainability Advocate, Entrepreneur Yerlan Umarov and His Fight Against Environment Crises

Caring about the environment was seen as a hippie movement some forty years ago, but now, it has become a paramount issue spanning across the entire global. While politicians debate about environmental legislation, independent businesses and advocates have taken up the mantle to make moves and build solutions to improve the public’s quality of life. Enter Yerlan Umarov and his company Biotech Solutions.

Biotech Solutions hit the ground running in September 2021 and has been focusing on building organic solutions to man-made problems and improving the quality of life for people all over the world. The company uses data-backed solutions to address the common denominators that negatively impact human and environmental wellness.

One of the solutions is the company’s all-natural nutritional product line Corsa365, which aims to detoxify and boost the health of consumers. Another of Biotech Solutions’ products is Corsa Fertilizer, which is dedicated to producing low-cost, multi-functional, water-efficient mineral fertilizer for homes, farms, and the agricultural industry. The product focuses on increasing soil longevity and maximizing crop growth, thereby ensuring a sustainable crop yield for farmers.

“I’ve seen what being deprived of proper care and what famine can do to people—to whole towns,” says Umarov, “and it was difficult to believe back then. Now that we’re in a golden age of access and technology, there’s no reason to let this continue. Every bit of research has been poured into making sure that we meet consumer needs safely and directly.”

As a child in Kazakhstan, owner and founder Yerlan Umarov witnessed the hardship of negative environmental impacts firsthand, and this rippling consequence inspired him to fight for a clean environment and an improved standard of living for all. He has gathered the resources for fundamental research on soil pollution and its effect on human physiology. He created Biotech Solutions with over twenty years of mineral experience under his belt.

Umarov knows that the challenges he faces cannot be solved easily with two or even three possible solutions. It’s why he works with a team of researchers and developers to create a new band of products that will address the multifaceted problem that the public faces in the wake of a growing environmental crisis.

“Some of the world’s problems are incredibly complex,” Umarov adds, “and we frequently don’t have all the answers. Here, having the faith that focused effort over a significant period of time will yield important results that will advance and improve humanity.”

Biotech Solutions has already seen great success with its Corsa-related products overseas and has now introduced a range of Corsa365 products to the U.S. market. The company is in the process of vertical expansion right now and is generating much deserved attention from industry-lauded investors. They have a portfolio of over 50 products coming down the pipeline, and they are all set to be released within the year.

James Low