John Singson

John Singson [Live Link]

Published on 03, Nov 2022





Philippine raised and famous businessman John Singson, breezed in at the Hotboxin’ studio where the living legend and the “Baddest man on the planet” Mike Tyson operates his podcast to talk with popular guests. Mr. Singson and the “Iron Mike Tyson” had a lengthy conversation about life, career and achievements. 


[Mike Tyson] when did you feel like you reached your peak? 


[John Singson] “I really saw the real success when I see my kids being at peace, having fun and enjoying life. Some people are so poor all they have is money”. 


Mike Tyson also shares that his kids are everything. The conversation lead to business and plans about Tyson’s cannabis and real estate business which was Mr. Singson was excited about. John’s plans is to keep his industrial investment in Mike Tyson’s company and see it grow from there.


John Singson and Mike Tyson has one thing in common, and that is being experienced to be around tigers and other animals. Tyson is known for having tigers around him as he plays with them as if they were no big deal; and Mr. Singson grew up visiting his grandfather’s residence which they had lions, tigers, a black panther,  leopards and the list goes on. 


(I am a big big fan of passive income, being a real estate investor and a businessman, we really expect minimal risk with cash flow being at top priority. The only way to grow financially is to buy time, and you can do that with money which will buy you more time) said Mr. Singson. 


The business mogul John Singson and grandson of famed powerful Filipino Governor “Chavit Singson” reiterates that money is far from being measured as success, “money is just an amplifier for me, it helps me become who I am even more, money will never give you security as far as emotion and love, money is just a tool, don’t drown with it.” 


The Iron fist, Mike Tyson was very happy to hear from Mr. Singson and left him with some wisdom from life learning experiences [ Remember this, Everybody you fight is not your enemy and everybody who helps you is not your friend ] -Mike Tyson 


John Singson