Kaila Uli

Kaila Uli [Live Link]

Published on 27, Jan 2023

TikTok Star Kaila Uli Unlocking Social Media Secrets for Emerging Companies

“The modern world has opened up considerably, with a lot of these changes brought on entirely, or in part, due to the pandemic,” Kaila Uli, the online content creator, explains. “What I do is bring these brands to today’s digital space, which creates a deeper connection to consumers. That in turn provides a way for them to earn a bigger following online.” 

Having collaborated with global brands such as Alibaba and Clearco, Kaila Uli has used the expertise she’s accrued on social media to guide brands in developing memorable and distinct content to drive sales and achieve greater heights as an emerging business. Kaila Uli has utilized many of the approaches in creating her own online content, having gathered almost 200k followers in only a year and a half. “Total, between my clients and I, I’ve had over 40M views on content I have produced, and that’s all organic metrics,” Kaila Uli says. “Sure, having bots artificially boost your view count may look nice, but the fact is that nothing will replace the benefit of a living, breathing follower.” Emerging and small business owners have the opportunity to learn Kaila Uli’s proven approach through her online workshop “0 to Social Proof.”

Kaila Uli is a powerhouse serial entrepreneur, digital success story, and unstoppable Indo-woman. She started her entrepreneurship as a young adult, partnering with her late husband to build multiple businesses. During this time, Kaila Uli learned valuable lessons as an entrepreneur and her burning desire to build a successful business persisted. After a series of misfortunate events, including a cyberattack that resulted in her having to liquidate her successful vintage glasses company, Kaila Uli developed a following on social media by sharing her story.

Describing herself as a hard worker with a “boots on the ground” style, Kaila Uli has built multiple successful businesses and has a bachelor’s in Marketing from the University of La Verne. Kaila Uli became a top content strategist while she worked as a model for about six years. She says that she learned a lot about content creation during this time because high-quality online posts were at the center of the modeling industry.

“I was surrounded by some very savvy professionals who really knew how to create incredible content for social media platforms, including Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram, and I learned everything I could about what works, what doesn’t, and why,” Kaila Uli recalls. “I was fortunate to be around people who knew so much and who were gracious enough to teach me what they knew.”

During the pandemic, she decided to go deeper into her interest in marketing and began posting on TikTok, using what she had learned from her modeling days. With each post, she identified better strategies and was soon creating top-performing content. Eventually, Kaila Uli began partnering with large brands for content creation and paid promotions, leading to her personal best sales week on TikTok: $30,000.

“At the same time, I continued to hear from other small business owners how they were struggling to master content creation for their social media platforms,” Kaila Uli says. “It was a continuing source of frustration for many of them. They knew that their online presence was crucial to engaging with customers, but they just weren’t sure how to go about it.”

She realized that the market had a key gap in services, one that she could fill with her years of experience. “Content creation was not a new idea, even then,” she concedes. “The industry was full of social media managers, all of whom would promise to optimize your pages. However, none offered my services: full, customized strategies, from the creation of a social media page, all the way to monetizing it and driving online sales. That is the unique value I am able to give my clients.”

The success of Kaila Uli’s business hasn’t gone unnoticed. She has been praised as an innovative entrepreneur in her industry, her creative approach to digital marketing has been featured on MarketWatch and Bloomberg, and her products have been featured in Vogue, Glamour, Hulu, Amazon movies, all over the UFC, and seen on many celebrities. To make the most of her offerings and continue to help business owners succeed online, Kaila Uli is launching a 6-week program through The Bok Agency.

This “Content SuperCharger” 6-week program is for businesses who are in the process of building their revenue to 10k/month. It will take clients step-by-step through content creation, show them how they can use their own stories to attract more customers, and create lasting relationships with their audiences. Learn how to create winning content with the Content SuperCharger here. 

“It’s kind of wild to me that a lot of businesses haven’t caught onto this massive potential that advertising and developing an online presence could be,” Kaila Uli says. “But you have to remember that a lot of people are more practical than that. They need something real, they need results, and that’s what I intend to deliver.” 

Kaila Uli created “0 to Social Proof” in order to stoke greater social media engagement and drive more sales for emerging brands. Geared towards businesses that are still developing, Kaila Uli takes particular pride in client The Mantra Co., a brand that has grown a following of over 1M. 

“We’re living in a time where you can achieve a lot of success in business. But like anything, it’s a competition at the end of the day,” Kaila Uli says. “‘0 to Social Proof’ is about using all of the tools in the box and how to utilize them. Social media being a highly under-utilized resource, even with how prevalent it is, I’m using that to help brands achieve their true potential.”

Sarah Hall