Spandana Nakka  

Spandana Nakka   [Live Link]

Published on 20, Dec 2023

Pump Hits Record Savings of Over $14M in Reduced Cloud Spend has announced that it has helped 200 users save over $14M on its cost-saving platform. This number is expected to rise in the coming months with a forecast of breaking $20M by the end of the year. The company’s mission to help users save up to 60% on their AWS operations has resonated with dozens of start-up companies looking to reduce the burden of their cloud expenses.

Pump presents a number of quality features, but its biggest draw is its volume tier discounts, which offer to-scale additional savings through group and collective spend billing. The platform also dynamically buys and sells savings commitments in real time to adapt to the size of your environments and any possible traffic spikes to ensure that they’re getting the best savings possible. This model allows the company to monetize its operations through AWS instead of passing the cost onto the customer. This is also what makes Pump free-to-use and removes any barrier to entry.

Founder and CEO Spandana Nakka comments, “As an entrepreneur myself, I understand the sacrifices start-up companies have to make in order to meet their own demands and keep up with their competition. The tech industry currently loses around $600B to cloud spend, and for start-ups, these expenses can be the difference between life or death for their companies.

“By combining AI automated savings and an intuitive user experience, Pump is democratizing AWS cost savings that historically only the very largest companies have had access to. Now, start-ups can experience the same relief without having to compromise their current business models.”

The platform initially launched with universal praise from its users. Now, Pump plans to extend beyond AWS to Google Cloud Platform, Microsoft Azure, and other cloud service providers. The team is also making moves to bring the same cost-saving methodologies to tech businesses in India.
