Suraya Sophia Tabesh

Suraya Sophia Tabesh [Live Link]

Published on 26, Oct 2022

Infinity Healing: Sophia Suraya Connects to Mind and Body for a Transformative Experience

Sophia Suraya of Infinity Healing has a unique vision. “A desire to help others and being part of positive change is what governs my life,” she says. She offers multifacted healing sessions, including energy healing and Reiki, among others, with the singular goal of connecting with each and every client in a deeply personal way. She does not consider herself a traditional mentor or coach, but rather a spiritual companion along the journey of recovery, no matter what the trauma.

Sophia started life as the victim of war, fleeing from her native Kabul as a refugee. Her family settled in Canada and she has since found constant inspiration by her parents’ courage and sacrifice. “A desire to help them and others was forever instilled in me,” she shares. “I was driven to make a difference in other people’s lives from an early age and knew I could help in some way.”

Even after surviving war and relocation, Sophia felt surrounded by chaos, both outside and within herself. “Every day was a struggle for me and I felt uncomfortable in my own skin, and for a long time battled with depression and anorexia. This was before I had any conscious awareness about energy healing.” She recalls a particular sunny day in August when she felt particularly tormented by her struggles. She was so overwhelmed that she had to pull her car over to the side of the road.

“I suddenly became so overwhelmed that it led me to weep unstoppably,” she recalls. “Pulled over to the side of the road, I looked up and asked, ‘Divine Spirit, I need your help!’ Somehow, I knew a force was around me willing to help and protect as I kept asking for guidance. Suddenly, I felt warmth and the sensation of someone hugging me. It was the most incredible feeling, and my sense of loss and deep sadness turned to tears of joy!”

From that surreal moment, Sophia was able to surrender herself entirely to a divine power. She felt literally yanked out of a dark place and onto her new path of enlightenment. She began a journey of knowledge into energy healing, and the more she learned, the more she realized that she already intuitively knew and had been practicing without even realizing it. “I began understanding sentiments I had never known or appreciated before, learning new senses, and effortlessly receiving Reiki harmony. I started becoming a pillar of light for which I understood was meant to define me. With my new enlightenment, I was able to heal myself and began exploring how my healing work could help others. My purpose has finally been made very clear to me in this life; to be a Conduit of Love, Strength, Compassion, and Healing!”


She is focused on the following areas:

  • Healing Sessions - Sophia serves as a Conduit of Universal Life Force energy to help balance body, mind, and soul. Her passion is seeing people become their highest selves and fulfill their destiny. Healing sessions are non-physical, non-intrusive, and non-denominational, serving as energy shifts transcending borders and symptoms of the body. Most healing is done remotely. Sophia’s gift is showing people the power of their own natural abilities, and she provides tangible tools in self-awareness, self-kindness, and growth, all to create healing of a profound, yet gentle, nature.

    Energy Healing - “We are 99.9% energy,” Sophia shares, “and only 0.1% matter. Yet we forget to care for ourselves on an energetic level.” In her energy healing sessions, Sophia connects with Angels, Ascended Masters, Galactic Beings and Spiritual Guides, using meditation and visualization techniques to release unwanted feelings, thoughts, and spirits. She helps clients shift their emotional and physical centers to treat anxiety, depression, and addiction. “These healing sessions guide you to what is needed most in that moment,” she says. “It becomes a beautiful way to step back into the harmonious flow of your own life and experience the inner serenity that is your divine birthright.”
  • Reiki - This time-honored system of Japanese healing is gentle, natural, and experiential. Its name means “divine wisdom” and “life force energy”, and Reiki can activate a more harmonious flow of life force energy through the body, enhancing its own innate healing ability. It is particularly effective across distances as it induces healing by calling upon one’s own life balance. “Reiki is a deeply relaxing experience that helps restore balance on a mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual level,” Sophia says. “It is a wonderful tool for anyone eagerly seeking help to let go of anger, worry, and fear, and to uncover divine peace, gratitude, and harmony.”
  • Ancestral Energy Clearing - Psychologists are familiar with generational trauma and are only beginning to understand the implications and effects it can have upon a person’s mental health. “On an energetic level,” Sophia says, “the influence of our ancestral lines and lives often manifest unconsciously in repetitive patterns and beliefs that can lead to depression, addiction, and even suicide. These burdens are not ours to carry.” Sophia applied a gentle release of ancestral blocks, wounds, and limitations, evoking a sense of lightness and liberation and allowing clients to finally experience freedom from these heavy chains.
  • Relationship Clearing - While most consider relationships to be the most complicated part of life, Sophia breaks it down very succinctly: “A relationship is simply a blend of energies: yours and theirs.” She shares that the complications arise when those energies become cluttered by thoughts, emotions, fears, imbalances, past experiences, trauma, and even simply misunderstandings. These can create hidden obstacles that prevent a relationship from healing, growing, or both. Sophia’s relationship clearing sessions facilitate the release of negative energy clutter, and she offers this service either to the couple or to each member individually. “Relationships that are for your highest good will find new levels of clarity and harmony, while recognizing alternative space to shift toxic and abusive relationships and have those disappear,” she says.
  • Chakra Alignment - The concept of Chakras comes from ancient Hinduism but transcends religion and is truly universal. “We all have 114 different Chakras, categorized into 7 major areas,” says Sophia. “This incredible network reaches from the crowd of the head to the root of your spine and beyond. The Chakras are the window to our innate energy source.” Sophia’s healing technique summons pure Universal Energy into the major Chakras, allowing cleansing and healing, the removal of blockages and negative energy, creating balance and well-being, and inviting peace. “The Chakra Alignment will work wonders for those who feel ‘stuck’, depressed, or ill for no apparent reason,” says Sophia.

For more information, or to book a session with Sophia and begin your soul’s cleansing journey, visit

