The Digital Silver Rush: CrowdPoint's Novel Blend of Technology and Precious Metal

The Digital Silver Rush: CrowdPoint's Novel Blend of Technology and Precious Metal [Live Link]

Published on 14, Aug 2023

Final approved draft =




The late 1800s saw a rush for gold and silver in the American West as people sought the security and opportunity that came with the precious metal. Fast forward to the 21st century, and there's a new rush, a digital one, as businesses scramble to adopt new systems for cutting-edge fintech.

Deep in the heart of Texas, a technology startup is rewriting the rules of cloud infrastructure and digital securities. CrowdPoint Technologies, an Austin-based innovator, has unveiled its groundbreaking Vogon technology, a decentralized cloud infrastructure that speeds up artificial intelligence and supports transactions collateralized by silver. The company's unique approach intertwines the seemingly disparate worlds of cloud computing, AI, and precious metal collateralization, creating a product that could revolutionize the tech and finance sectors.

The story of CrowdPoint is reminiscent of the United States' historical use of silver certificates. Introduced in the 1870s, these certificates were backed by silver held in the Treasury and redeemable for their face value in silver dollar coins. Just as silver certificates once offered a secure and stable form of currency, CrowdPoint's innovative approach to cloud infrastructure promises to bring a similar level of trust and stability to the digital realm.

Vogon technology is a next-generation decentralized cloud designed to support immutable and transparent data to power AI capabilities. This innovative cloud infrastructure generates what the company calls Collective Intelligence. The technology utilizes hyper-efficient virtual machine containers leveraging deterministic concurrency and BLS 12-381 cryptography to create a decentralized ledger and database. Vogon can asynchronously store encrypted data within a JSON file. This approach ensures enhanced security and integrity, delivering authentic intelligence through data validation and verification to power AI with more accurate data.

But the real showstopper is the introduction of the company's proprietary crwdunits, a form of credit for transactions within the platform. Like other cloud companies, CrowdPoint makes money from infrastructure fees, i.e., charging for system resources, API calls, and transactions. The comparisons end there.

In the old days, a silver certificate served as a promise that the bearer could exchange the note for its equivalent value in silver. Today, CrowdPoint's crwdunits offer a similar assurance but with a digital twist. These digital securities offer customers the ability to pay for the exact capacity they need for their workloads, ensuring they're only paying for what they use.

Like the silver certificates of the 19th century, crwdunits are also backed by silver. CrowdPoint has secured a monumental $20 million in silver from a prominent South American mine for their crwdunits, injecting a level of financial stability indicative of the commodity-backed economy of yore.

The silver backing the crwdunits ensures the stability of transactions within the CrowdPoint ecosystem, offering a unique value proposition for investors. It's a beacon of security in an otherwise volatile digital economy. Just as silver certificates offered a tangible form of value in an unpredictable economy, crwdunits also offer a stable form of digital value in today's fast-paced tech landscape.

In the wake of the SEC's cryptocurrency crackdown, CrowdPoint's crwdunits stand out for their regulatory compliance. Unlike many cryptocurrencies under regulatory scrutiny today, crwdunits are digital securities. They are backed by assets and transactions, providing a stable store of value derived from the underlying commodity. This approach sets crwdunits apart from the volatility often associated with cryptocurrencies, which fluctuate wildly in value daily.

Moreover, CrowdPoint has implemented stringent Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) procedures to ensure that all transactions are legitimate and that the identities of all participants are verified. This commitment to maintaining the highest regulatory compliance standards is a testament to CrowdPoint's dedication to its customers and investors.

The introduction of crwdunits represents a significant milestone in the evolution of fintech. CrowdPoint is paving the way for greater acceptance and adoption of digital securities in the mainstream financial sector by meeting compliance requirements and providing a derivative instrument within existing regulatory frameworks.

The implications of CrowdPoint's technology extend far beyond cloud infrastructure. By democratizing access to advanced cloud services, CrowdPoint empowers businesses and individuals alike to harness the power of AI and big data. Vogon can spur innovation across many sectors, from healthcare and education to finance and e-commerce.

Sean Michael Brehm, the CEO of CrowdPoint, was recently quoted on the launch of crwdunits, saying, "This groundbreaking integration of cloud infrastructure and precious metal security positions CrowdPoint at the forefront of innovation, enabling our customers to unlock the full potential of AI-powered services while ensuring the utmost trust, privacy, and value."

CrowdPoint is now preparing a Regulation A+ offering to open crwdunits to the broader public markets. The company stands at the precipice of a new era in cloud technology. Just as silver certificates once revolutionized the financial landscape, CrowdPoint's novel approach to cloud infrastructure may well redefine the future of digital platforms.

In a world where data is the new oil, CrowdPoint's decentralized cloud offers hope. By putting users in control of their data and offering a secure, efficient, and value-driven solution, CrowdPoint is not just shaping the future of cloud technology—it's shaping the future of the digital world.

Eraj Akhtar