Walter Clapp

Walter Clapp [Live Link]

Published on 13, Jun 2023

Walter D. Clapp Esq. To Seek Republican Candidacy in 2024 US Presidential Race

Montana attorney and inventor Walter D. Clapp,  has announced his candidacy for the Republican 2024 Presidential race.

Walter Clapp earned his Juris Doctor from Georgetown University Law Center, graduating with honors. He has also been certified in Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

“I founded my firm Honor Coin Law in Montana based upon the same types of values that will be integral to my Presidential campaign,” Clapp states.

As a native Texan, Clapp understands the rural rugged independent culture of Montana. He spends time performing volunteer work, and was one of the first Rural Incubator Project for Lawyers Fellows to serve middle class Montanans.

“I’ve spent my career being a spokesperson for the underrepresented,” Clapp states. “That is what America needs right now: a politician who isn’t a politician. Someone who cares about the people’s voice. Someone willing to make huge changes for the good of the nation.”

He has recently revealed details about his Presidential campaign goals, which include shrinking the federal bureaucracy by increasing representation in the House, decreasing frivolous governmental spending and decreasing illegal immigration. As for hot button moral issues, Clapp believes those issues are best decided but the States. 

”The first proposed amendment to the Constitution, what should have been the First Amendment, dealt with an issue more fundamental than speech or religion - proportionality of representation,” Clapp states. “The amendment never passed due to a logical impossibility that came out of a last minute change to the proposed language." 

“In 1929, Congress passed an act which halted the expansion of the House of Representatives and fixed it at 435 members,” Clapp says. “However, that hardly stopped the US population, or the federal bureaucracy from expanding! How does this help the millions more Americans being underrepresented year after year? The House was meant to be our layer of truth. The lack of a functioning House with the Artificial Intelligence threat looming is real.”

The House was intended to increase with the US population. Instead it stagnated and delegated its powers to what has become the Fourth Branch - the administrative state. With more citizens and the same number of Representatives since 1929, each Representative is less and less connected to their constituents. “When the Constitution was new, each district was intended to have no more than 30,000 constituents,” Clapp states. “In 2020, that number had swollen to near 800,000. And it’s getting worse every year. The lack of accurate representation has led to massive polarization and it needs to be corrected. A stagnant House also clears a path for corruption to take hold in the Presidency, as well as in Congress.

“After increasing the size of the House, I plan to enforce Congress’s mandate from the states to hold an Article V Constitutional Convention of the States,” Clapp says, "There has not been an amendment to the Constitution proposed since the invention of the internet!”

He also plans to allocate National Defense spending where it’s desperately needed: securing the country’s electric grid, bolstering supply chains, providing security for cyberspace and airspace, and increasing national petroleum production and refining capabilities. This leads to another huge goal of his future administration: building an Interstate Tunnel System to mirror our current Interstate Highway System.

He adds that millions of dollars of misspent funds could be better used for securing US borders with cutting-edge technology. “People like to point fingers and claim that Republicans have no love for immigrants,” he says, dismissing this as myth. “In fact, illegal immigration is actually contributing to these horrifically high numbers of women and children being trafficked, as well as violence along our borders. It’s not as simple as killing two birds with one stone. But it makes you question the current governmental spending trends when these significant problems exist.”

He adds that contrary to information spread by smear campaigns, the Republican party embraces those who wish to enter the country legally and become productive members of society. “We need to provide attainable pathways for legal citizenship,” Clapp says. “Yes, our country was built upon immigration, and there should be reasonable ways for newcomers to join our country legally. The current method is not working.”

He also plans to use his own knowledge of technology to increase security in the nation by using blockchain technologies to audit databases of all future unclassified internal data of executive agencies. “Blockchains allow secure encryption of large amounts of data,” he says. “We have the technology to increase security for unclassified data - and to allow public audits - we just aren’t using it.”

Above all, Walter Clapp wants to remind his beloved nation that the most important war we face is internal. “Every day we fight a battle that rages between our ears,” he exclaims. “It’s a war between  love and hate, good and evil, truth and untruth. My message is that the Republican Party stands for good, for truth, and yes, for love. At rock bottom, we must, as a party, have a love of free speech and representation. Every American must be able to speak their truth without fear of government intrusion.”

To draw attention to these causes, Mr. Clapp will be driving a team of horses and a wagon through Yellowstone, and across America beginning this July. Follow along on the website and social media.

Mr. Clapp’s Committee is currently seeking volunteers, donors, and paid staff for the duration of his campaign.


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Walter Clapp