Zaher Merhi

Zaher Merhi [Live Link]

Published on 28, Dec 2023

Rejuvenation Fertility Center’s Dr. Merhi On Rising Male Infertility Rates

Why giving high doses of IVF drugs to women is not be the answer

When a couple can’t conceive, the finger is often pointed toward the woman. Infertility is so frequently blamed on women; they’re waiting longer to have children, establishing a career and a stable relationship first - so naturally - people assume - infertility is typically the woman’s fault.

Not so. Approximately one third of all IVF cycles includes a diagnosis of male infertility. Recent global numbers (from 53 countries) indicate that male sperm counts are in a rapid decline. Men are making fewer sperm, and the sperm they have aren’t as effective at fertilization. Research from the journal Human Reproduction Update indicates that sperm counts have dropped by half over the last 40-50 years - and this decline is speeding up.

Dr. Zaher Merhi, medical director and founder of the award-winning fertility clinic Rejuvenating Fertility Center (RFC), says that possible causes of this decline could due to several factors: 

  1. Daily environmental toxins that we produce. For example, we are exposed daily to BPA that is present in toilet papers, plastic bottles and containers, envelopes, printer ink, and processed foods. Phthalates are another group of chemicals mainly used to give flexibility to plastics and they exist in many products that are used daily such as detergents, lubricating oils, medical devices, flooring, soap, shampoo, and lotion. Some of these toxins can directly bind to testosterone receptors thus altering sperm production.
  2. Cell phones. Men usually put their phones in their pockets, which is super close to their testicles. If you go to PubMed website (which is a library where all the worldwide medical articles are published), and enter the key words “cell phone radiation and male reproduction”, you will find over 135 manuscripts to date, yet no one talks about it! Indeed the daily duration of cell phone use is significantly associated with lower sperm concentration, total count, and motility. Cell phone radiations have also been shown to slow the production of testosterone and increase sperm DNA damage.
  3. Hand sanitizers: During the COVID-19 pandemic, the use of hand sanitizers have skyrocketed. Interestingly, The FDA has urged consumers not to use certain hand sanitizer products. Some active and inactive ingredients contained in certain types of sanitizers could reduce the sperm viability and movement. There are new fertility friendly hand sanitizers on the market now (

“Male infertility absolutely needs to be addressed and taken more seriously- and medicating the female with heavy doses of IVF medications is often not the answer,” Dr Merhi says.

Dr Merhi also states “At most clinics, they just automatically go straight to traditional IVF with multiple heavy doses of injections for the women who are not the problem. But a much gentler, less invasive method for women, such as Gentle and Mini IVF, is all that is needed because they are not the problem in those situations. There is no need to spend a lot of money on IVF drugs and put these chemicals into the women’s body when sperm is the issue.” 

RFC counters both male and female infertility issues with a wide variety of alternative and holistic methods. RFC offers 10 different types of IVF - and yes, that does include traditional IVF for those who wish to go that route. But RFC also offers Mini IVF (aka Gentle IVF), natural IVF, at-home kits that patients can use remotely, and holistic treatments such as PRP ovarian rejuvenation, acupuncture and ozone sauna.

In addition, RFC offers guidance for men experiencing low sperm count. “It’s sometimes things that people don’t want to hear; if you want to achieve a healthy pregnancy, you need to consider your overall health.” 



Zaher Merhi