
PR and the Drive Toward Sustainability in Businesses

Tara Figg
 Posted on 21, Jul 2023

Sustainability has become a business imperative in today's global economic landscape, with an increasing number of companies integrating environmentally and socially responsible practices into their operations. According to a 2021 survey conducted by the MIT Sloan Management Review, 90% of executives worldwide report that sustainability is important to their business strategy. This represents a significant increase from 55% in 2010, demonstrating a growing recognition of the value and necessity of sustainable business practices.

The surge in sustainability practices is not only driven by a sense of corporate responsibility but also by growing consumer demand for sustainable products and services. A 2020 Nielsen report revealed that 66% of global consumers are willing to pay more for sustainable goods, a number that jumps to 73% among millennials. Furthermore, a report from the Business and Sustainable Development Commission suggests that sustainable business models could open economic opportunities worth up to $12 trillion and increase employment by up to 380 million jobs by 2030.

How does sustainability affect PR?

Business sustainability is transforming the world of public relations (PR), influencing how organizations communicate with their stakeholders, manage their reputations, and portray their brand identities. The increasing consumer and societal demand for environmental and social responsibility is driving companies to integrate sustainability into their PR strategies, influencing not only what they communicate but also how they do it.

Sustainability builds and maintains a positive corporate reputation

Companies that prioritize sustainable practices often enjoy enhanced brand perception, improved customer loyalty, and increased stakeholder trust. They are seen as responsible and forward-thinking organizations that care about their impact on society and the environment. According to a 2019 report by RepTrack, companies with strong reputations in corporate responsibility outperform others by 10% on overall reputation score. Therefore, the PR strategies of these companies often emphasize their commitment to sustainable practices, including their efforts to reduce their environmental footprint, invest in renewable energy, and promote social justice.

Sustainability reshapes the narratives that companies create and share

It's no longer enough to simply communicate about products and services. Today's consumers want to understand a company's purpose and values, and they expect organizations to be transparent about their social and environmental impacts. Therefore, companies are increasingly leveraging PR to tell their sustainability stories, highlighting their efforts to drive positive change. This shift is evident in the growing prevalence of corporate sustainability reports, which provide detailed accounts of a company's environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance. According to the Governance & Accountability Institute, 86% of S&P 500 companies published sustainability reports in 2018, up from just 20% in 2011.

Sustainability influences how companies engage with their stakeholders

With social media and digital technology making it easier for consumers to voice their opinions and demand accountability, companies are recognizing the importance of two-way communication in their PR strategies. This means not just talking about their sustainability initiatives, but also listening to their stakeholders, addressing their concerns, and engaging them in meaningful dialogues about sustainability. The advent of online platforms and social media channels has made it possible for companies to engage directly with their consumers, employees, investors, and the broader public on sustainability issues, fostering greater transparency, collaboration, and trust.

How PR firms can be more sustainable

PR firms have an important role to play in the move towards a more sustainable future. These agencies can implement sustainable practices within their own operations and promote these values to their clients to make a significant positive impact on the environment and society.

Make it less

PR firms can reduce their environmental footprint by implementing eco-friendly practices within their offices. This might involve reducing energy consumption, promoting recycling, minimizing waste, or choosing sustainable office supplies. For instance, firms could implement energy-efficient lighting, install solar panels, or use energy-saving appliances. Encouraging employees to commute using public transportation or carpooling can also have a significant impact on reducing carbon emissions. According to the EPA, if just one worker in a firm of 20 telecommuted, it could save 1.7 metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions each year.

Make it a priority

PR firms should prioritize sustainability in their client relations. They can promote sustainable practices by advising clients on how to integrate sustainability into their business strategies and how to communicate these efforts effectively to their stakeholders. This can involve encouraging clients to adopt environmentally friendly practices, supporting them in producing sustainability reports, and assisting them in engaging with stakeholders around sustainability issues. A PR firm can amplify its impact on sustainability by working with clients who are committed to positive environmental and social change.

Make it public

PR firms should lead by example by publicly disclosing their sustainability performance. Transparency is a critical part of corporate sustainability and by openly communicating their sustainability targets, achievements, and challenges, PR firms can demonstrate their commitment to sustainable business practices. This can also help them to establish themselves as leaders in sustainability, attracting clients who value corporate responsibility and influencing other PR firms to follow suit.

How businesses can be sustainable in their marketing efforts

Companies today face increased scrutiny from a public that's more knowledgeable and passionate about environmental and social issues than ever before. As a result, sustainability is not merely a nice-to-have component of business—it has become a critical element of public relations (PR) strategy. Companies should embrace sustainability in their PR efforts to build trust, increase customer loyalty, and enhance their brand image.


Companies should integrate sustainability into their core business strategy and communicate these efforts clearly and authentically. This entails not just publicizing achievements but also acknowledging challenges and demonstrating commitment to continuous improvement. Transparency is key here. Companies need to provide clear, accurate, and relevant information about their sustainability practices. This might include publishing regular sustainability reports, sharing case studies or success stories, or even inviting stakeholders to participate in sustainability initiatives. Research from the Reputation Institute indicates that companies with a high reputation for corporate responsibility have a higher overall reputation score and are more likely to be recommended by consumers.


Businesses should focus on storytelling. Rather than relying on jargon-filled reports and complex data, companies should tell engaging and relatable stories about their sustainability efforts. These narratives should highlight the positive impact of the company's initiatives, celebrate the individuals or teams driving these efforts, and invite stakeholders to join in the journey towards sustainability. Stories can be shared through various channels, including social media, company blogs, newsletters, press releases, and even in-person events. According to a study by Cone Communications, 63% of Americans are hopeful businesses will take the lead to drive social and environmental change.


Companies should engage with stakeholders on sustainability. This means listening to their concerns, responding to their feedback, and involving them in sustainability initiatives. Companies can do this by hosting forums or roundtable discussions, conducting surveys, or facilitating online engagement through social media. This kind of two-way dialogue can provide valuable insights, foster a sense of community and ownership, and help to build long-term relationships based on trust and shared values.

The consequences of ignoring sustainability

In today's world, companies that ignore sustainability run the risk of severe repercussions that can affect their reputation, profitability, and even their very survival. As awareness about environmental and social issues continues to grow, companies that fail to prioritize sustainability can face a myriad of challenges.

A bad reputation

One of the most pressing dangers for companies that overlook sustainability is reputational damage. In the age of social media, news about harmful environmental practices, unfair labor conditions, or other unethical activities can quickly spread and cause significant harm to a company's brand image. According to the Reputation Institute, a company's reputation for corporate responsibility (which includes factors like governance, citizenship, and workplace) can account for more than 40% of its overall reputation score. Companies that fail to prioritize sustainability can suffer from consumer boycotts, loss of investor confidence, and difficulty attracting and retaining talented employees.

A bad investment

Companies that are not focused on sustainability can face financial risks. Increasingly, investors and shareholders are demanding that companies disclose their sustainability performance, and some are even divesting from companies that don't meet their sustainability criteria. Furthermore, companies that fail to consider environmental and social factors in their decision-making process may find themselves facing increased operational costs due to regulatory penalties, waste of resources, or missed opportunities for efficiencies. A study by McKinsey revealed that companies with strong sustainability performance are more financially successful in the long term, indicating a clear business case for sustainability.

A bad idea

Companies that ignore sustainability can encounter legal and regulatory risks. Governments worldwide are increasingly implementing laws and regulations aimed at addressing environmental and social issues. Companies that fail to comply with these regulations can face legal penalties, including hefty fines and even criminal charges. For example, Volkswagen’s "Dieselgate" scandal, which involved the car manufacturer cheating on emissions tests, led to multi-billion dollar fines, a significant drop in sales, and long-term damage to the brand’s reputation.

Creating a better future

There are many ways in which PR firms can become more sustainable. By implementing sustainable practices within their own operations, promoting these values to their clients, and being transparent about their performance, PR firms can make a significant contribution to a more sustainable future. This is not only good for the environment and society but can also have positive impacts on the firm’s reputation, client relations, and bottom line.

Failing to prioritize sustainability can lead to serious dangers and problems for companies, from reputational damage and financial risks to legal and regulatory penalties. To avoid these pitfalls, companies should integrate sustainability into their business strategy and decision-making processes.

Embracing sustainability in PR is about more than just doing the right thing—it's about driving meaningful change, enhancing brand reputation, and building deeper relationships with stakeholders. By integrating sustainability into their PR strategies, companies can not only make a positive impact on the world but also gain a competitive edge in today's socially conscious market.

Sustainability is no longer a peripheral aspect of business—it has become central to how companies operate and communicate. As a result, it is shaping the future of PR, influencing how companies build their reputations, craft their narratives, and engage with their stakeholders. For businesses that wish to thrive in the 21st century, integrating sustainability into their PR strategies is not just an option—it's a necessity.

Imperium Group is an American public relations and marketing consultancy firm. Founded in 2016, it specializes in guaranteed placements, creating utmost transparency for its clients. Imperium Group generates over 15M impressions a month for its clients. Its team is based out of New York, Dallas, and Los Angeles.


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